geographical information systems(gis) services
Geographical information systems (GIS) technology provides a way to collect, store, analyse, manage, manipulate and visualise multiple layers of geographical datasets for meaningful interpretations and applications. Architects, engineers, planners and other disciplines are increasingly demanding fully integrated, correlated and up to date 3-dimensional spatial datasets for visualization, planning, design and communication.
Our current data collection techniques including; GPS surveys, utility detection, photogrammetry and laser scanning can be integrated with non spatial datasets to provide a complete and useful interpretation to an end user. For example, by integrating topographical, soils and rainfall datasets an agricultural planner can determine the most suitable location for a specific crop.
Our geographical information system(GIS) services:
Map design
Geo-referencing and Geocoding
Spatial analysis(site optimization and visibility optimization)
Feasibility studies
Disaster predictive models
GIS web applications
Web maps
Geographical information systems (GIS) services can be applied to the following fields:
Scientific investigations
Resources management
Asset management
Environmental impact assessment
Urban planning